The List - Summer 2009

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I have spent the last few months contemplating my raised bed plantings for the spring and summer. Last year I only did one of the beds and filled it with herbs with limited success. It dawned on me after doing all of the planting that the one bed I picked would be in a fair amount of shade during the day once my trees leafed out...OOPS!

So, this year I have done quite a bit more soil prep (see composting story below!) and have decided to move into some fruit and veggie plantings as well. I think I'll move my herbs that lived into half wine barrels into sunnier spots (plus the barrel will better corral things like spearmint which can take over). That being said, here is my planned planting list:

Basil - I'm waiting for the Farmer's Market at Casesar Chavez park to start next month because there is a guy that brings tons of different varieties of basil plants to sell and I want a big variety this year since none of mine made it through last summer.

VEGGIES: I know - in Sac, everyone grows tomatoes...but I'm not a big tomato eater and we get tons from the CSA all summer to satisfy my husband.
Green beans
Cucumber - I want to make pickles this year which is why I'm also planting the dill weed

FRUIT: I have an apple tree in the yard, but the fruit suffers from some kind of bug damage that I have to figure out how to control.
Watermelon - I understand you can train them up a trellis to save space, but you have to put the melons in "slings" once they get heavy. Not sure what my plan is yet on that.
Strawberries - I'll probably put these in a hanging basket to keep them off the ground
Pumpkins - is this a fruit?? I guess it's a gourd so maybe it should be on the veggie list :-)

CITRUS: I already have a very large orange tree in the yard and since I'm limited on sunny locations in my yard, I'm going to add the following in large pots that I can move around:
Seedless Mandarin
Meyer Lemon

JUST BECAUSE: Sweet peas on a teepee of branches from my winter pruning!

Okay - that seems like quite a bit for my two little raised beds, but with the supplimenting pots, I think I can get everything in. Let me know what you're planning for the summer and what I've forgotten on my list that I'll have to sqeeze in!


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