While I didn't get my Earth Day post done on Earth Day, I still wanted to share my thoughts about what's going on in my world. When reflecting on what I've done to lessen my impact on the earth in the last year, I realized that I had made some real changes:
1. Began purchasing my home's energy from renewable (solar and wind) sources. One phone call and an extra few bucks per month - easy!
2. Planted an herb garden in my yard.
3. Joined Terra Firma Farms, a CSA that provides us with a weekly box of fresh, local, organic fruits and veggies for less than it would cost to buy the same items at the grocery store.
4. Started carpooling whenever possible. Since I live about 20 miles from work, riding my bike isn't an option and light rail doesn't come out here so the best option for me is carpooling. I have a friend that lives a mile from me and works three blocks from me - perfect! And coordinating our work schedules wasn't as hard as I thought it might be.
5. Began going organic - food, beauty routine, cleaning products - wherever I have the option, I've switched and it's amazing all of the great organic products out there now.
So what do I have planned for this year? Continuing to make small changes that have an impact on our health, our environment and the earth:
1. I've gone from a few herbs in one raised bed to three raised beds of vegetables, a barrel of herbs and a basket of strawberries. Hopefully we'll get to eat REALLY local this summer!
2. Canning - I haven't done this since I was a kid, but I'm hoping to can some of my own bounty this summer including making pickles!
3. Water Conservation - This is a major issue here in the west. I'm hoping to get some rain barrels this year and maybe even a rain garden.
4. My bicycle - I admit, I'm not a very confident bike rider. But with the extensive bike path network in my neighborhood, I've begun to venture out some for coffee runs or to the park, but in the next year, I hope to get much better with the bike so we can go to dinner, small grocery runs and more - all on our bikes!
5. Who knows?? It's getting easier and easier to be "green" so what new opportunities will come about in the next year could surprise me.
So - what tips do you have for me? What are you doing in your world? I'd love to hear from you - and happy Earth Day!